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Callum Fox: My Apprenticeship Story

Employer: Lime Green Products Ltd

Job title: Research and development assistant

Qualification: Level 2 Lean Manufacturing Operative

How long have you been on your apprenticeship programme for?

Around 7 months.

Why did you decide to go down the apprenticeship route?

I needed the experience, I came out of university and I could not find work because I had no experience, apprenticeships are one way to get it.

Where did you find out about your Apprenticeship?


What personal skills have you built on during your apprenticeship?

I have built on more job-based skills than personal, such as, lab management, project management, my organisation and the materials.

Have you overcome any challenges since being on your Apprenticeship?

Just job specific challenges and learning/ understanding the products we offer.

What are your thoughts on the service you have received from AGL Training Ltd?

It has been pretty good, the assessors are very friendly and are always there to offer support which has been surprising to be honest as I did not know what to expect, it has been good so far.

What would you say to other people looking into an Apprenticeship?

Go for it!

It makes starting a career a lot easier.


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