Safeguarding is making sure that children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected from any form of abuse.
AGL Training Ltd are committed to safeguarding, we have policies and procedures in place to ensure staff respond to any safeguarding concerns promptly and appropriately.
If you have a safeguarding concern, whether you are an apprentice, parent or employer, please report it to our Lead Safeguarding Representative. You can do so by our online concern log or via the below contact details:
Lead Safeguarding Representative:
Aaron Biggam
07713 907 555
Types of Safeguarding concerns can include:
Sexual Abuse
When you are forced to take part in sexual activity that you do not want to take part in. This includes taking nude photos.​
Physical Abuse​
When you are deliberately hurt by being hit, shaken, thrown, poisoned, burnt, being given unneeded medication, suffocated or drown.​
When your medical and physical needs are ignored, starved, not given required medication, not provided with adequate clothing or heating and being left alone in dangerous situations.
Emotional Abuse
When you are deliberately hurt emotionally such as being unfairly blamed, intimidated, threatened, humiliated, isolated, verbal / psychological abuse or being prevented from receiving help.
When you are being treated differently because of your age, gender, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, culture or whether you are transgender. ​
Financial or Material ​
When you are stolen from or forced to misuse your money. ​
More specific concerns which fall into multiple areas listed above include:
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
The removal of external female genitalia. This is against the law in the UK and is seen as a form of child abuse.
Forced Marriage
Forced into a marriage, without consent. This could include threats both physically and emotionally.
The process in which a person is subjected to in order to become a support of terrorism and extremism.
A healthy relationship, personal or professional, is where you feel safe, respected and free to be yourself.
You can put measures in place to stay safe and protect yourself:
When travelling alone research your route and choose the safer option, try to travel with a companion when possible or try and make someone aware of your where-abouts.
Do not take gifts from people who you do not know or are uncomfortable receiving goods from.
Tell someone you trust if someone is making you feel uncomfortable.
Report all suspicious behaviour to a parent, mentor, manager, assessor or safeguarding representative.
Shout out if someone is asking you to do something you are not comfortable with.
It is also important to understand how to keep yourself safe online:
Do not share personal information such as your mobile number and address.
Remember people who you meet online may not be the person they say they are!
Be aware that posts you share could be seen and shared by anyone.
Remember you can block people who you do not want to be associated with.
It something makes you feel uncomfortable online report it to a parent, mentor, manager, assessor or safeguarding representative.
If you do not feel you can talk there are other support agencies available:
Telford and Wrekin - Family Connect: 01952 385385
NSPCC: 0800 800 5000 / http://www.NSPCC.org.uk
Child Line: 0800 1111 / https://www.childline.org.uk/
Bullying UK: http://www.bullying.co.uk
The Mix: http://www.themix.org.uk
Childnet International: http://www.childnet.com