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None Levy Employers
If you are an employer with a UK pay bill of less than £3 Million a year you will have access to government funding.
Employer Co-Investment (5%)
The government currently contributes 95% of training costs for all apprenticeship programmes; this means employers only have to contribute the remaining 5%. (Effective 1st April 2019)
Small Employer Co-Investment Waiver
Employers with 50 employees or below, who employ an apprentice:
between the age of 16-18 years
19-24 years, previously in care or who has a Local Authority Education, Health and Care Plan
Will receive a waiver resulting in the government paying 100% of training costs.
Government contributions are available to existing staff members as well as apprentices, even those who are qualified to degree level.
Taking on an Apprentice may also entitle you to a government grant.
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