Safeguarding Policy
Aim and Purpose of Policy
AGL Training are committed to promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable people who have contact with our organisation as defines in the Children’s Act 1989, the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme 2004, and in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015.
The Safeguarding Policy alongside our Health and Safety Policy will inform how we keep learners and staff safe, and how we respond to concerns.
AGL Training have a commitment for the promotion of Equality and Diversity for all our employees and learners. We aim to ensure that the culture and environment is one where individuals are treated with respect and dignity.
AGL are committed to ensuring that all learners and staff should never experience abuse of any kind. All learners regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, transsexual, married or civil partnership, pregnant or maternity have the right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.
AGL Training have a Prevent Strategy in place to keep its learners safe from radicalisation and extremism.
AGL Training have a Whistle Blowing Policy which is a commitment to ensuring any employees or others can report serious concerns about any aspects of our work
This policy applies to all staff, including managers, and anyone working on behalf of AGL Training.
Relevant legislation and guidance
· Data Protection Act 1998
· The Children Act (1989 & 2004))
· Sexual Offences Act 2003
· Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015
· Keeping Children safe in Education 2016
· Protection of Vulnerable Adult Schemes 2004
· The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015
The policy is based on the following principles
· Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
· Concerns are identified early, taken seriously and support provided prevents concerns from escalating
· Safeguarding staff will provide support to staff to help them carry out their safeguarding duties
· Learners are taught and supported to keep themselves safe
· Ensure that Matrix practice safe recruitment in checking suitability of staff to work with young people and vulnerable adults
· All personal data will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998
· To challenge extremism and promote British Values
AGL Training will:
· Clearly communicate this policy and procedures to learners and employers and throughout the learning programme
· Include learning and development opportunities that equip children/vulnerable adults with the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse
· Ensure learners know who to speak to if they are worried or experiencing difficulty
· Establish an environment where children/vulnerable adults feel safe and are encouraged to talk and are always listened to
Child or Children
The Children’s Act 1989/2004 defines a child as a person under the age of eighteen for most purposes
Vulnerable Adult or Adults
The Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme defines a vulnerable adult as a person aged 18 or over who has a condition of the following type:
· A substantial learning or physical disability
· A physical or mental illness or mental disorder, chronic or otherwise, including addiction to alcohol or drugs
· A significant reduction in physical or mental capacity
The definition of ‘Abuse’ is, any behaviour towards a person that deliberately or unknowingly causes them harm, endangers life or violates their rights.
Abuse may be:
· Physical
· Sexual
· Emotional
· Neglect.
· Bullying, including online bullying
· Racist, disability and homophobic or transphobic
· Gender based violence
· Radicalisation and/or extremism
· Child sexual exploitation and trafficking
· The impact of new technology on sexual behaviour, for example ‘sexting’ and accessing pornography
· Substance misuse
· Teenage relationship abuse
· Gang activity and youth violence
· Domestic violence
· Female genital mutilation
· Forced marriage
· Fabricated or induced illness
· Other issues not listed here but that may pose a risk to children, young people and vulnerable adults
All AGL Directors, employees, employers and learners are required to take shared responsibility for the safeguarding and safety of any young people and vulnerable adults participating in AGL Training programmes.
Designated Safeguarding Officers
Lead: Mr Aaron Biggam, AGL Training Ltd, Suite 9C, Pemberton House, Stafford Park 1, Telford, TF3 3BD, Email:, Tel: 07713907555.
Designated Safeguarding Officers are responsible for providing support, advice and expertise on safeguarding concerns, and are responsible for the investigation and reporting of serious safeguarding issues
They liaise with the Senior Management Team where necessary and make referrals to external agencies
Key aspects of their job role include:
· Obtaining information from staff, learners, parents and employers who have concerns relating to the protection of children and vulnerable adults and recording this information
· Assessing information quickly and carefully and asking for further information if necessary
· Consulting with other agencies to clarify doubts or worries
· Making referrals to statutory child protection agencies or the police without delay
· Maintaining a record of external agencies
· Providing support advice and guidance on safeguarding issues
· Attending regular training to ensure they are up to date with effective safeguarding practices and legal requirements
· Maintaining a single central record of concerns and accurately recording actions and updates
· Reporting to the senior management team where necessary
Senior Management Team
All AGL Directors are responsible for:
· Ensuring AGL Training Safeguarding Policy and procedures are fully implemented and followed by staff
· Safeguarding officers have sufficient time and resources to carry out their roles
· Regularly review the Safeguarding Policy to ensure it is effective in protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm
· Ensure that existing and potential new staff are fit to work with children and vulnerable adults
· Ensuring all staff are trained to identify the signs of abuse and harm and follow AGL Training procedure for reporting concerns
All staff
· To comply with safeguarding responsibilities defined in their job role
· To understand how to report relevant concerns
· To report all safeguarding concerns as soon as practicable
· To comply with staff codes of practice
· To attend training as directed
· To act in the interest of the learner
· To seek advice from the Designated Safeguarding Officer if they are unsure of how to proceed
Recruitment and monitoring of staff
To ensure staff are fit to work in our learning environment with children and vulnerable adults. All new members of staff with have:
· Enhanced DBS Checks
· Validation of professional qualifications
· Validation of nationality, residency and the right to work
· An induction which includes safeguarding
· A probationary period (normally 3 months)
· Regular monitoring of staff and performance reviews
AGL Training will maintain a Single Central Register containing DBS Checks, and validation of professional qualifications and validation of nationality, residency and the right to work.
This policy will be reviewed annually in the month of July.