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Quality Policy and Strategy



The aim at AGL Training Ltd is to provide a high standard of Training to all our Learners, Clients and other service users so that they have the qualifications, skills and experience to enable them to sustain meaningful employment.  We will continue to strive to provide value for money training by employing competent training and assessment staff and using the best resources available to us.  We will strive year on year to continuously improve our training and assessment provision by underpinning the work we do with a set of quality arrangements.



AGL Training Ltd.’s Policy is to ensure:



1.    That Quality Procedures are produced to cover the Key Processes and other areas considered essential to the needs of our Learners and funding agencies. We will ensure that where ever possible that we are complying with Funding Rules, Awarding Organisation Requirements, The Common Inspection framework, Matrix Standard for IAG and Lead Contractor Sub Contracting Agreements.


2.    That we ask Apprentices to provide feedback on the standard of training they receive at key stages including induction, during off-the-job training and at the end of training and

Workplace funded learners at the end of the programme.  We use the information to implement improvements where they are practicable.



3.    That we provide the opportunity (once a year) for employers to feedback their satisfaction of our training provision through a questionnaire that asks for their suggestions and ideas for improving our service based on their expectations and Learners experiences.



4.    That we prepare written policies, quality procedure, guides and working instructions against the key processes that we must get right.  The key processes are:


Recruitment                 Induction                               Initial assessment

IAG                                Training Plan                        Employer Approval

On-the-Job Training   Off-the-Job Training            Learner Review

Assessment                 Quality Assurance               Certification



5.    That we carry out observations of our assessor/tutorial employees carrying out their off-the-job training, IAG and assessment activities and through the Quality assurance process that complements the planned internal audit programme.  We do this to support our staff in their own self-development and to provide suggestions and support to staff for improvement of our training provision.


6.    That we conduct a self-assessment process every year involving all of the staff and includes feedback from employers, supervision, Learners and subcontractors.  We will identify our strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement from the self-assessment process.



7.    That we produce a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) from our identified strengths and weaknesses.  Management must review the plan at least three times per year to measure the progress of the planned actions and highlight problem areas for increased attention.



8.    That we monitor the achievement rates of all our Learners and Clients against their frameworks and QCF levels.  We must look for trends over time.  Management must look to implement improvement measures where trends are identified as not progressing or meeting targets.  We must bench mark our achievements against comparable providers with-in our occupational sector.



9.    That we carry out a planned Quality Assurance process to ensure that staff are assessing to the correct standards and undertake a review of our Quality Assurance process as part of our Management System that ensures our awarding bodies centre approval criteria are fully met at all times.



10. That we take specific note of external audit and External Quality Assurance feedback and reports.  Management will review recommendations to ensure lessons are learnt from our mistakes or omissions and implement corrective actions.



11. That these arrangements are designed to complement each other and fit together to form a comprehensive and cost effective quality assurance policy and strategy that meets the needs of AGL Training’s continuing current and future development. The Senior Management Team must regularly review the quality of provision and implement suggestions and recommendations to make improvements to the company’s and/or employees practices and training needs.



     This Policy will be reviewed during July each year

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