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Equality and Diversity Policy


AGL Training Ltd is committed to the policy of equal treatment of all people.  All employees of whatever level and authority are required to abide by and adhere to this general principle and the requirements of the Codes of Practice issued by The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).


All employees are expected to abide by the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and any future amendments or additions to the act.  All people have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and not be subjected to discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation in any way as a result of their age, marital status, colour, disability, health, membership or non membership of a trade union, nationality or ethnic origin, religion, sex or any other personal characteristic.  Our policy is to provide free and fair access to all learners to the best of our ability.


AGL Training Ltd commits itself to the immediate investigation of any claims of discrimination on the above grounds and will make every effort, with or without the co-operation of involved parties, to determine the facts of such allegations and ensure that such behaviour does not recur.


Where evidence suggests that such actions have been carried out in full knowledge of their unfair nature or their derogatory impact to the individual, disciplinary action will be taken in line with the Company’s disciplinary procedures.  Additionally, any person found to be inciting, encouraging or condoning discriminatory actions or behaviour will be subject to disciplinary action.


If it is found that discriminatory behaviour has occurred, but in ignorance of this impact on the receiving individual, then a member of the senior management team will coach the person to change their behaviour.


It may be difficult for individuals experiencing discrimination or harassment to bring the matter formally into the open.  Support and guidance will therefore be made available, in confidence, to learners or programme learners wishing to pursue this avenue through the Designated Safeguarding Officer, Aaron Biggam, without obligation to progress the matter to a final end.


Formal complaints may be made in writing initially to the Designated Safeguarding Officer: Aaron Biggam.  All investigations will be carried out in the strictest confidence and all people involved in the investigation will be expected to respect this confidentiality.  Only once the facts have been established will a course of action be recommended.  All information collated from investigations will be retained by the Equality and Diversity Advisor.


Should any person feel that an investigation has been managed in an inappropriate or unfair manner they may use the Grievance and Complaints procedure.




AGL Training Ltd.’s Designated Safeguarding Officer can be contacted at:



Tel: 07713907555



AGL Training Ltd Managers and those involved in the operation of Government Funded Training Programmes have particular responsibility to ensure that the Equality and Diversity Policy is followed.  Overall the AGL Training Ltd Senior Management team will be responsible for the implementation of the policy which will be monitored at management meetings. 


In specific terms we will: -


•     Communicate the Equality and Diversity Policy to all members of our staff, discuss its implications for their individual spheres of responsibility and incorporate appropriate rules and standards within job descriptions, procedures and performance criteria.


•     Table on the agenda for our strategic business meetings a provision for monitoring and reporting on the subject of Equality and Diversity.


•     Appoint a Designated Safeguarding Officer who will have responsibility for monitoring and improving our practices, receiving and investigating suggestions and complaints, and ensuring compliance, redefining standards where necessary.


•     Promote equality of opportunity and provide appropriate counselling and advice to staff in order to raise their awareness of our policies and practices.


•     Identify training needs and arrange suitable training for staff in relation to issues of equality.


•     Keep informed of the work of the relevant equality commissions, studying the implications of any equality disseminate information/guidance and make recommendations for our organisation.


•     Ensure that learning and assessment materials avoid stereotyping of any kind and adapt such materials for learners with individual needs.


•     Implement an appeals procedure that will allow any learner or programme learner to take action if they feel they have been treated unequally because of their age, marital status, colour, disability, health, membership or non membership of a trade union, nationality or ethnic origin, religion sex or any other personal characteristic.


•     Analyse learner recruitment and completion rates to identify if any disproportionate bias exists and to take action as appropriate.


•     Ensure, by monitoring, that access arrangements to Training Programmes for people

      with disabilities are free from bias.


•     Monitor learners access to equality of opportunity through the learner review process.


•     Promote learners understanding of equality and diversity through their training



•     The Equality and Diversity Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis (January each year) by the designated safeguarding officer (Currently Aaron Biggam)



AGL Training Ltd, 

Suite 9C, Pemberton House,

Stafford Park 1, Telford,


Tel: 01952 743495


Office Opening Hours 


Monday: 8:15am - 15:00pm

Tuesday: 8:15am - 15:00pm 

Wednesday: 8:15am - 15:00pm

Thursday: 8:15am - 15:00pm 

Friday: 8:15am - 12:45pm

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